Hi to whom it may concern I'm a loyal verizon customer, I've been at your store for 3 hours and some odd minutes. Your saleswoman Mrs. Moses has been the most helpful person I've had the pleasure to sell me a phone. Being as I have no idea of what I'm doing when it comes to cell phones. My old phone is over 5 years old. I wanted to tell someone of my experience with the one of the best salesperson I've delt with ever.
Hi to whom it may concern I'm a loyal verizon customer, I've been at your store for 3 hours and some odd minutes. Your saleswoman Mrs. Moses has been the most helpful person I've had the pleasure to sell me a phone. Being as I have no idea of what I'm doing when it comes to cell phones. My old phone is over 5 years old. I wanted to tell someone of my experience with the one of the best salesperson I've delt with ever.